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Selective laser sintering plastic additive manufacturing or 3D printing machine prototype building indigenously

Selective laser sintering plastic additive manufacturing or 3D printing machine prototype building indigenously

Number of Students : 2
Guidev: Haresh Dagale

1. Objective with respect to Machine controller and software:
• Development of build process software for selective laser controller and the build process parameter defining software.
• Design and development of twin beam laser printing Controller and its firmware development.
• Design and development of CAN bus-based control architecture for complete selective laser sintering applications.
• The project has opportunity to design and develop some of the PCB in the control hardware.

(The project will be interdisciplinary nature and you will be interacting with other subject matter experts)
Fig. 1: Shows the various sub-system and with control hardware

2. Other technology objectives:
• Proposed technology for making high quality plastic additive manufacturing technology, the technology is based on powder bed-based binder jet and selective laser sintering technology.
• Development high speed selective melting technology heat source with single and multibeam energy sources.
• Development of high-volume powder bed to produce large quantities of stacked parts with maximum powder bed utilization volume.
• Project will develop indigenous build process software for printing application.
• Proposed technology will focus on developing re-using plastic and polymer materials.
• Proposed technology will be able print following plastic materials. Polyamides (PA), Polystyrenes (PS), Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE), and Polyaryletherketone (PAEK) and other plastics
II. References
1. Polymers for 3D Printing and Customized Additive Manufacturing Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 10212−10290.
2. Additive Manufacturing: Polymers applicable for Laser Sintering (LS)Procedia Engineering 149 ( 2016 ) 457 – 464
3. T. Wohler, et al., Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing State of the Industry e Annual Worldwide Progress Report, Wohler’s Associates, Inc., 2016.
4. Wohlers Associates, Wohlers report 2012: Additive manufcaturing and 3D printing state of the industry, 2012.
5. E. Herderick, Additive Manufacturing of Metals: A Review, Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2011

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