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Design of micro actuator for IVF applications

Design of micro actuator for IVF applications

Number of Students : 2
Guides : Umanand L
Sponsor : SpOvum (Santosh Bhargav D B)

To design a linear actuator with a movement of 1 to 3mm with a total design dimension of 25x25x15.
Idea: We are interested in developing an electromechanical compliant actuator. The mechanism or the stage should move in one direction. The footprint of the stage is (25 mm x 25 mm), the range of motion is 1 mm to 3 mm. The step size is 1 micrometer or better. The stage should at least carry a load of 3N. The project would involve the design, development, and testing of the actuator.
This compliant actuator is to replace the currently existing M3-L, a miniature high-resolution positioning system from new scale Technologies, Canada. It is a “smart” actuator with an integrated driver and closed-loop controller inside the actuator. This compact, powerful motion system helps OEM designers improve performance and reduce the size of instruments in a wide range of applications.

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